Assunto: Re: Defesa Siciliana Variante Paulsen ou Kan Qui 24 maio 2012, 10:04
Naroditsky, Daniel - Brancas 2011.03.12 Diamant, Andre - Pretas Los Angeles 1-0 SPICE Spring Invitational
In a sharp Paulsen, White starts a standard f3-g4 attack on the Kingside and Black counters with his own counter-attack on the Queenside. Black weakens the d5 square at the wrong moment, allowing White’s pieces to pour into Black’s position. Eventually, White is able to sacrifice an exchange and break through. Black sacrifices back the exchange in order to create some last-ditch tricks, but White’s pieces are too well-coordinated and Black’s king is hopelessly weakened. With his last critical move Qf5, White wins the game immediately.
A narração ouvida no áudio é do próprio Daniel Naroditsky (15 anos), que analisa seu jogo contr o GM brasileiro André Diamant, numa Siciliana Paulsen.